Video Marketing

7 Effective Ways Explainer Videos can help you Sell More

Business Goal: To sell more, more and more!

Video’s goal: To acquire the Business Goal!

Irrespective of the business type, online or offline, big, medium, or small, startup or a well-established firm, everyone wants to see their business sales and growth graph to raise and take an elevation at a quick pace. Business promotions done on newspapers, pamphlets, billboards, emails, and more have now landed up to be executed on mobile devices in the form of videos.

Videos serve plentiful of motives satisfying everyone who has followed the right techniques to pitch others. You call it explainer video, marketing video, homepage video, or whatever they are build with a TRUE intent.

T- Targeting

R- Relevant



But only the best explainer videos works that derive traffic, bring leads, satisfy SEO, achieve a business goal, and get the wanted results. So let’s dig deep into the direct-indirect ways through which your explainer videos can help you sell more and accelerate ROI.

Take a rundown:

# Storytelling Connects Emotionally

It’s rightly said, you can’t proceed with someone or something if you don’t feel a connection or can’t make a connection with that particular person or asset. Till today, we make kids listen to stories as they hook their engagement with them in a different way (which even e-devices are not able to.)

So we can take the interest of people by tapping into the power of storytelling, delivering our business motives in the form of relatable messages. Indeed, it works; and believe me, it works well.

There is a simple science to good storytelling which helps to grab the human heart, engage their emotions, and make them feel something for the characters and empathize it further, taking some desired actions.

Tell a Story, then Connect, Influence and Make a Move!

# Generate and Boost Traffic

Do you think your highly designed website fulfills the motive of its invention if it fails to derive traffic?

Do you think your business could survive to exist on the internet if without getting the expected traffic?

Traffic is the foremost thing a business must pay heed to prior to focusing on the leads, sales, conversions, etc. which are directly proportional to the website’s traffic count after all. So how to boost traffic making it more valuable to the business?

The answer is via Explainers!

Explainer videos communicate with the viewers, urging them to stay on the website for a prolonged time. They help minimize confusion, portray the objective intelligently, answer the doubts and questions, says it all in a time limit, and makes an impression.

What next? The viewer’s call to take action(s) on your website after watching the video gives you clear insights about your explainer video and its potential. The next steps for the visitor’s end could include buying from you, registering for your e-newsletter, or picking up the phone to give you a call.

# Offers Concise and Precise Information

Surprisingly and unbelievably, humans have a short attention span when compared to a goldfish! It’s true that we people hardly remember things for long especially when it’s in the paper form.

Offers Concise and Precise Information
Offers Concise and Precise Information

Image Source: Wistia

Here, explainer videos play their role in spreading the necessary content and data within a time limit, thus, displaying the maximum in the minimum. The information provided to the customers comprehensively dictates each of your motives, taking their interest to the deepest of your brand promotion.

Explainer video and its types are well known to offer packed and useful information in an entertaining way, which makes them more likely to be responded by the users. A short length sorted video hooks the audience, with no excuse to withdraw it before 10s.

# Demonstrate Products/Services in Real-Time

Texts and images can illustrate a lot of possible facts in a well-mannered way but what if when the talk is about sharing detailed information in an explained way.

Say, you launched a product and you are to make the audience aware of how it is operated and what best can be done with it. The instructions mentioned in a manual or in the form of a ppt would work but can you compare it with an explainer video that demonstrates each and everything more humanly and clearly.

Explainers can become a step-by-step guide that connects more easily with the users, helping them solve the problem with visual assistance provided in the form of a video.

Undoubtedly, an explainer video is a great medium, extremely capable of demonstrating the procedure of using some tools, a piece of software, or other sophisticated technologies.

# Easy to Understand, Acts as a User Manual

Making people read a text and understand things takes a backseat when compared with acknowledging people via visual means.

A text or image content can mislead a customer or make him/her confused with the terminologies used. Also, it’s possible that with less accomodation of words you may miss your main selling points.

However, when seen on the part of an explainer video, they tend to create less clutter and showcases the content and the main objective in an actionable and exciting way. Such video types can replace the boring and deceitful text manuals and explain things acting as a visual salesperson, which aspires, inspires, and influences in the right way.

Explainers are equivalent of a face-to-face business demonstration which does half the work of your sales team.

# Elevates your Sales Pitch, Makes it Memorable

Paper-pitch is boring and hardly anybody uses in this modern era. But, do the Powerpoint Presentation with real facts and pie-charts make an impact? Yes, but leaving your audience yawning and unrelieved.

On the other hand, a well-produced video with a solid business script, some connecting elements, with a flavor of comedy will elevate your sales-pitch that will last long in your client’s brain.

If the visual is done right, covering three critical tasks such as Raising Money, Building Trust, Acquiring Customers, it will leave your prospects wanting more and will be urged to show their interest in your brand or business.

Elevates your Sales Pitch, Makes it Memorable
Elevates your Sales Pitch, Makes it Memorable

Image source:

“Research says, stimulating the auditory and visual senses, enhances the viewer’s understanding of the pitch by 74%.”

Thus, stand out with a powerful video sales pitch, snagging both the initial and existing customers.

# Provides Limitless Creativity

Do you think that launching a video either on YouTube or any social network or on your business page without possessing a tinge of creativity will deliver the desired results?

Talking realistically, even I won’t watch a video for long(more than 10-12s) if I don’t see a spark and uniqueness in it and sharing it further would not remain a question to be raised. So why keep that probability for a video to not perform without adding a mandatory element of creativity?

Effectiveness of a video matters! To increase the interest of the audience, Communicate, Cooperate and Conquer, allowing them to get influenced by adding the tinge of eccentricity and creativity via funny jokes, kinetic typography, effective music, comedy, etc.

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