
Design Tips That Every DBA Consultant Must Know

If you are involved with the application development projects, database designs can be considered as one of the important factors. Here are some essential tips that every database expert must know.

Avoid The Repetition Of Data:

One of the factors that you should look into while handling the database designs is to avoid the repetition of data. For example, the traditional recording of data includes the processing of flat files and the creation of invoice records. So, the invoice records must have fields like, Item3, Item2 or Item1. Therefore, whenever you are observing field names like this, you should definitely create the table separately.

Use Convention Of Names:

For avoiding the confusion, the naming convention of the database objects are to be selected and maintained. Consistency is to be maintained for the constraints, columns, tables and other objects in a predictable manner.

Avoid Codes That Are Secret:

Field names like, the Customer Type may include values, with a large number of constants that cannot be mentioned anywhere else, within the database. You may start, with only two types of customers at first and the application may change when the third type of customers is introduced. A separate table can be created, which can help in overcoming the constraints of the foreign keys.

Apply Saved Procedures:

The DBA consultant can easily use the procedures that were stored previously. When you are using the stored procedures the burden of the SQL programming gets easily reduced. It can also be considered as an efficient method of maintaining the transactions. It also prevents the risks of the injection attacks of SQL.

Use The Right Number Of Tables:

While designing the databases, the right number of tables need to be used. The database should contain the exact number of tables required for the applications.

Avoid Redundancy:

Data redundancy functions are to be avoided while designing the database tables. The redundant data may corrupt the database and, therefore, should be avoided. For example, you have saved the same customer name in two separate tables. You have updated one table and missed updating the other one. Therefore, the database has become inconsistent in this case.

Keep Away From Nulls:

If you allow Nulls, within your database tables; the application programs may get complicated. Therefore you should avoid null by the command NOT NULL. But, when you truly require nulls, you can definitely use them.

Apply Constraints Wisely:

Constraints help you in preventing the changes that may violate the consistency. Therefore, you should use them wisely, so that they can be validated, only if the data meets several criteria.

Besides these, you can also use triggers, whenever required. Thus, if you are using the right number of tables by avoiding the redundancy, repetition and the nulls, you can surely design a successful database table. Try applying the stored procedures for your convenience and also avoid the secret codes, if any. You should also remember applying the constraints for preventing the changes that may violate the consistency.

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