Digital Marketing

How Is Enterprise SEO Different?

Improving the search result ranking for large stores and enterprises requires advanced strategies and processes. Content scaling, automation, and ongoing technical SEO management are popular approaches enterprise SaaS SEO specialists use. The basics are similar across enterprise-level SEO, local SEO, and standard SEO, but massive differences exist. Here’s an overview of enterprise SEO and how it differs from other forms of SEO:

What Is Enterprise Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? 

Enterprise SEO can be defined simply as SEO for enterprises or large companies. An enterprise can be any large company, such as a Fortune 500, a large eCommerce with more than 10,000 pages, or a company with multiple locations.

A business with several websites or one that turns over millions in revenue may also need enterprise-level SEO. The optimization used to advance the ranking of such mega stores and eCommerce businesses constitutes enterprise-level SEO.

3 Differences Between Enterprise SEO and Standard SEO

Traditional approaches used to optimize small and medium businesses, like an HVAC contractor’s landing page, won’t work for an enterprise. Large companies like Amazon, Apple, and GitHub have millions of pages indexed on Google. Optimizing such websites and businesses calls for more elaborate SEO practices. Below are three differences between enterprise SEO and standard/normal optimization:

1.    Scaling

The scale is one of the most significant differences between enterprise and standard SEO. Optimizing a few pages using proper internal links can result in a considerable boost in ranking. The same tactics may not result in any noticeable change in organic ranking for enterprises with thousands of pages. Enterprise marketers must scale up all efforts for the simple tactics to work for sites like Amazon that feature millions of pages. 

Sticking with the internal linking example, enterprises will require an SEO-friendly structure that can generate internal links automatically. A manual approach is impractical, time-consuming, and likely to flop on an enterprise-level site. Other SEO antics, like quality content production, also need scaling. Enterprises may need to assemble a dedicated content and editorial or moderation team to meet their goals.

The usual SEO tricks will work across small and large businesses. Enterprises require the efforts to be scaled up for those approaches to yield noticeable results. An enterprise-level website may need as much as 10x, 100x, or even 1,000x the effort. In most cases, the business requires a dedicated department with more specialists. Most companies leverage enterprise SaaS SEO to help with the scaling needs.

2.    Cross-Team Collaborations 

Team buy-in and cross-team collaborations are unique challenges for enterprise marketers. A slight change, such as correcting duplicate H1 tags, may require meetings with various teams and stakeholders in the organization. Enterprises usually feature multiple departments, including development, design, and optimization. SEO recommendations won’t go live unless the different departments and specific team members buy into the changes. 

Achieving swift implementation of enterprise SEO recommendations requires positioning the changes to benefit the key departments involved. Smaller businesses and corporate organizations can achieve more seamless integrations. Only a few people are needed to sign off on ideas, and compromises are easier to make because of fewer internal hierarchies. For enterprises, simple tweaks may imply a massive workload for another department.

Website developers may resist new changes if it increases their workload without providing clear benefits. Enterprise marketers and SEO specialists need good communication skills to get everyone on the same page and focused on the bigger picture. Let involved departments know what’s in it for them and explain why the recommendations should receive high priority. Marketers can achieve this through education and keeping things simple.

3.    Enterprise-Level Tools

SEO for enterprises involves dealing with thousands, sometimes millions of pages, resulting in crawling and indexing issues. Popular problems arising from enterprise-level SEO include duplicate content, keyword cannibalization, orphan pages, crawl errors, and canonicalization. Marketers can leverage tools designed specifically for enterprise SEO to eliminate such errors. Conventional SEO tools used for small businesses won’t suffice.

Enterprise websites require enterprise or higher-level tools, plans, workflows, and templates. Most SEO platforms feature custom plans designed for enterprise clients. The tools also increase automation and reduce errors and time spent in manual operations. Standard SEO specialists may leverage common tools like Google Adwords keyword planner and Ahrefs. Enterprise marketers can also use the same tools but require higher-level applications like Google Webmaster tools.

Marketers need to track and monitor progress, double-check for errors, automate processes and scripts and fix page issues. Dedicated enterprise-level tools are essential for keyword research and selection, template optimization, diagnostics, and more. The tools used for small sites with a few dozen pages are insufficient when handling millions of pages and multiple websites. Enterprise marketers often use more advanced applications and platforms.

Leveraging Enterprise SaaS SEO

Large enterprises require elite teams of SEO specialists and sophisticated tools to achieve their optimization goals. The best approach is to engage enterprise SaaS SEO companies. Working with SEO solutions delivered as a service can reduce the demand for internal teams. Leading SEO companies also have professional experience and advanced tools required to streamline and improve SEO results for the largest businesses.

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