
8 Ways to Protect Your Business Premises

Keeping your business safe from any risk is your primary duty as a business owner.  Securing your business premises helps protect your company’s assets and property and makes your employees feel safe and comfortable. While you may not completely remove the risk of your business being broken into, you can develop preventative measures to protect your company the best way you can. Read on for eight tips to protect your business premises.

1.   Conduct risk assessment

The first step to a secure business is conducting a thorough risk assessment. This will help identify areas in the premises that are more vulnerable to forced entry; therefore, you will develop an ideal solution to protect your building. An excellent place to start is where a crime has taken place before.

It is worth noting that protecting your premises does not solely include eliminating the external danger. You should also assess your company to ensure that your employees are safe from work-related hazards such as chemical spillage, fire, building collapse, and electric shock, to mention a few. Consider hiring a professional for a more accurate risk assessment.

2.   Invest in an ID Scanner

An effective way to track who enters and leaves your business premises is by investing in an ID scanner. An ID scanner app allows you to gather personal information about your customers, clients, or users based on their identity cards, driver’s licenses, passports, or visas. Through the scanned information, you could identify and stop troublemakers, such as the underage, ID sharing, or banned individuals from entering your business.

3.    Secure the premises

You should ensure that you have adequate security on all entry points of your business premises. To do this, you should install security doors. Whether your business organization is staffed or unstaffed, consider investing in a high-quality security door or grille to deter burglar entry. Avoid glass doors.

You could also add security bars to your business premises windows to ascertain more safety. Remember to close and lock all windows whenever the premises are empty.

Next, you should secure your business premises perimeter. If you already have a wall or fence, ensure that it is adequate to keep out thieves. You could also add barbed wire around the perimeter. Invest in a top-quality wall or fence if your building is not already secured.

4.   Invest in motion-detection lights and CCTV

Integration of modern technology such as CCTV into your business security plan is an effective way to capture intruders through a video recording that could lead to an arrest. Intruders may also keep off your premises if they realize that you have CCTV systems installed. Ensure that you purchase a quality CCTV system from a reliable company to maximize its use.

Often, burglars may still intrude on your premises despite having installed CCTV systems. For this reason, you should consider incorporating motion sensor lights into your premises. You could optimize your motion sensor lights to detect movement during non-working hours. Since the motion detectors are connected to the security alarms, the alarm goes off once they detect any movement, notifying your security team.

5.   Secure your Equipment

Your office equipment may be some of the most valuable and expensive assets to your business. For this reason, you need to ensure that they are safe from theft. To do this, you should consider securing costly equipment to the floors or walls to make it difficult for intruders to retrieve them.

You could also perform regular equipment and property audits, tag electronic devices such as computers, and record their serial numbers. Consider assigning responsibility for various office equipment to specific employees to ascertain more security.

It is worth noting that some of your employees could be prone to theft; therefore, they could steal the workplace’s tools and equipment. As such, you should invest in cabinets and lockers and further install security cameras inside the premises to keep equipment secure from both troublesome employees and intruders.

6.   Implement employee security training

Looking for a great way to motivate and reward your staff? Consider employee training. Training your staff, especially on security matters, ensures that they are equipped for any situation. Employees should know what to do in case of a severe threat and how to avoid security breaches.

A practical security training should cover risk assessment of various conditions in the workplace, emergency response, responsibility of organization’s data, reporting system for effective communication between staff, social media policy, internet use, and document management.

7.   Implement infection prevention measures

A crucial part of securing your business premises involves ascertaining that your employees remain safe and healthy. For this reason, you should implement measures to ensure that your employees are clear of contracting contagious infections such as COVID-19. A healthy working environment helps your employees to be more productive, resulting in more profits on your end.

Some of the infection prevention measures you should implement include availing of personal protection equipment ( PPE) for all your employees, including a hygiene area with sanitizers on the premises, and conducting regular staff health checkups.

8.   Monitor your security measures regularly

Continually monitoring your security measures is the safest way to ascertain the security of your business premises. It also helps evaluate whether your current security measures are effective as your company expands and up to the challenge since criminals find new and sophisticated ways to stay in business.

To monitor your security measures, you should;

  • Check the function of your security cameras and lighting
  • Inspect your security doors and other access points
  • Keep your staff up-to-date about the best emergency responses
  • Take stock annually
  • Collaborate with other businesses in your locality and keep an eye out for each other


Security is a crucial factor in the success of your business. When employees feel safe, they become more productive. As such, you should strive to provide a secure and safe environment by conducting risk assessment, investing in ID scanners, motion detectors, and CCTV, training your employees, implementing infection prevention measures, and monitoring set security standards.

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