How many times have you wondered why a talented artist has not achieved a great musical career? There are many reasons, but a very powerful one is the music marketing strategy that they have followed.
Nowadays, the music market has become very competitive. Releasing song after song hoping to be discovered by a record label or to have a lucky break is no longer an option. Therefore, a proper music marketing strategy is necessary to rise to the top.
Analyze the current landscape
Before starting with a marketing strategy, it is very important to identify what threats or opportunities there are in the environment, as well as those strengths and weaknesses that you have as an artist.
In this way you will be able to better understand the validity of your musical proposal compared to other artists in the competition. You will also know how to take better advantage of opportunities to promote yourself and increase your recognition as an artist.
Above all, identify what musical genre you show yourself with in order to know who is the audience you are targeting.
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The fan at the center of the strategy
When you are creating your strategic plan as an artist, always keep your fan in mind. Why? Because today everyone has a large catalog of music for free or by paying on a digital distribution platform with just one click. Thanks to that, too, today you have more competition because any talented person can make a living from their music from any corner of the world.
For this reason, it is important to be able to conquer the demanding music consumer and make efforts to offer a product that manages to reach their emotions.
What marketing strategies are you going to use?
Each musician must find those marketing strategies that help him succeed and get closer to his audience. At this point ask yourself how and how much you want to invest in your music.
What promotion strategies exist?
- Organic social networks: Musicians use your social networks for all kinds of things. Tweets about the musical creation process, Instagram posts as well as Stories, Live at an online event, among many others.
For this reason you must become strong in your social networks. Design a content strategy to promote your music through your networks, find where your audience is. On Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitch? Post often so they don’t forget about you. Add value, surprise your audience and generate feedback with them.
- Paid digital promotion: It is not only about publishing content regularly, but you can also promote certain campaigns based on your objectives. This way you will gain visibility and get more impacts.
At La Cupula Music we make your community grow with our Digital Promotion service. You will gain more visibility and impact on your music through advertising on social networks. What are its advantages?
Obtain information from your target audience.
Get more listeners.
Improve your personal brand.
Create a community thanks to your music.
Improve your #YoutubeMusic or #spotifyforartists analytics .
Achieve your goals, be it the sale of online events, video clip views or increase views in digital stores, for example.
- Create contests with your releases: Creating merchandising contests or virtual meetings to promote your release is a very good tool to give visibility to your profile and, above all, to your music.
- Do Twitter, Instagram or Twitch Lives for your fans: In these times where digital platforms have grown exponentially for content creation, being able to get closer to your fans virtually is a great strategy. Performing “lives” through these platforms will allow you to interact with your audience, get to know them better and find out what they like about you as an artist.
- Keep in mind that each content has its duration and viralization time and that is very important when creating your strategy. For example, the Instagram Feed according to the algorithm lasts about 2 days maximum to appear the photo to your followers, IG Live can be saved as long as you want (it is permanent), the IG Story does not last more than 24 hours if it is that you don’t put them in highlights and the Reels, depending on the # you use, can have infinite viralization (something similar to what happens with Tik Tok).
- Remember above all that your Instagram profile must be public and you must have Business mode activated to be able to see your analytics and thus check what are the best times to publish or what your audience is.
Without forgetting one of the new tools that Spotify launched at the end of 2020, the Canvas . A very powerful new visual feature for platform users as it helps boost some performance metrics
Elaborate interactive strategies beyond the
New research via the Journal of Interactive Marketing shows that when content engages multiple senses, a customer’s purchase intent increases and there is an enhanced effect on brand consideration. What does this mean?
Well, in a music marketing strategy you have to show an entire interactive story with which fans can connect and introduce themselves little by little under the pretext of the single. And this is already being shown by many artists in recent years, reshaping their brand with better digital storytelling.
Interactive content has the potential to elevate your entire music marketing plan and improve the results of your music marketing campaigns in unique ways.
Make your music more fit for playlists
The music industry is now more than ever focused on playlists and
If you want your music to have more options to enter any of these, you must take into account some of these trends:
- Don’t make long introductions and get to the point. The musical public is becoming more and more impatient and can easily skip your song.
- Consider putting a good hook at the beginning of the song.
- Try that your music does not exceed 4 minutes.
- To enter a playlist it is better to control the foul language.
Finally, when you register your music for distribution on different digital platforms like Spotify, iTunes, Tidal, Apple Music and more, it is very important to choose the right distributor.