Want to be read by business owners and entrepreneurs? Over 100,000 unique visitors each year visit our digital magazine.
Our contributors enjoy the following benefits:
- Your content will be in the select company of over 250 contributors including Neil Patel, Flippa, SemRush, Lesschurn, Zac Johnson.
- Get a powerful backlink to their blog or website, that will last for many years to come.
- We list all contributors along with a picture, social profiles, and bio in our directory.
- Weekly we submit the best articles to our 16000+ email subscribers list.
- Share your content with 100,000 unique visitors each year.
We will be very happy if you contribute content to Techhubblog. Please feel free to email us : techguestposts@gmail.com
This page contains all the information you need to become a guest contributor. Issues? Send us an email on Contact page.
1. Steps to becoming a contributor
Here are the steps you need to complete in order to become a contributor here at Monetize.info:
- Fill the form below with accuracy.
- Visit Gravatar.com – to link a personal photo of you to your profile for free. This is mandatory!
- Verify your account by confirming your registration message received in your e-mail.
- Add your social profiles and your proposed article(s).
2. What Content Our Audience Love To Read
We maintain a high standard of quality and posts are held to these standards. We reserve the right to not publish or strip unnatural links from any content submitted if needed.
Before writing an article please take the time to read our writing guidelines. Meanwhile here is in a nutshell what kind of content we expect from you:
What We Will Publish:
- How to guides, research papers, tutorials that our readership can follow and implement.
- Articles should link to quality research and have pictures, videos or infographics.
- The content should be no less than 1500 words.
What We Will Reject:
- Generic articles or rewritten content that doesn’t bring anything new.
- Articles that have promotional links. Buy a sponsored post instead.
- Thin content or written in poor English.